What are detox supplements?
Detox supplements are a mix of vitamins and minerals that play a part in supporting the body’s detoxification processes.
The liver and kidneys are key organs that work to remove various toxins from the body through processes of filtration. The kidneys have around a million tiny filters called nephrons that filter the blood, removing waste and controlling the volume of blood fluid compartments. The liver also detoxifies the blood through the filtration of harmful chemicals made by the body; it also helps the body break down fat through the production of bile and stores glucose for energy.
Keeping the liver and kidneys healthy plays a huge role in detoxifying the body and maintaining good health. The liver and kidneys are kept healthy through maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and ensuring a good diet with the right balance of vitamins and minerals.
Certain nutrients, such as choline, contribute to the maintenance of normal liver function, supporting the body in staying healthy.
Detoxification and digestion
The colon is the second largest organ in the body and is responsible for removing fluids through absorption and processing waste. In processing waste in the body, it removes toxins, detoxifying the body, therefore it is very important to maintain its health to ensure this process happens regularly and effectively. The colon is reliant on fibre, obtained through food, as it cannot be digested and therefore bulks the stool acting as one of the key nutrients to maintain a healthy colon.
As there are many organs and functions needed for detoxification within the body, the Metabolics range of Detox Support supplements has been designed to support different functions and processes within the body.
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