Vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining optimal metabolic functions within the body, serving as organic compounds essential for various physiological processes. Acting either as coenzymes themselves or as precursors to coenzymes, vitamins participate in numerous enzymatic reactions vital for cellular metabolism. Among the 13 essential vitamins are vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the B vitamins (including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, B6, B12, and folate).
Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins
These vitamins are further categorised into fat-soluble vitamins—namely, A, D, E, and K—which necessitate bile salts for absorption and can be stored within the body, and water-soluble vitamins—comprising the B vitamins and vitamin C—which are not retained by the body and are regularly excreted.
Deficiency in specific vitamins can lead to various diseases and health conditions, underscoring the critical importance of maintaining adequate vitamin levels. Conditions such as beriberi, rickets, neural tube defects, and scurvy can manifest in response to deficiencies in certain vitamins, highlighting the pivotal role of these micronutrients in preserving overall health and well-being.
To address potential deficiencies and safeguard against associated health risks where obtaining sufficient vitamins from diet alone isn’t possible, individuals may turn to food supplements as a means of supporting their vitamin intake.
While a balanced and varied diet typically supplies most of the essential vitamins required for optimal health, certain circumstances may necessitate supplementation to address nutritional gaps. Whether due to dietary restrictions, lifestyle factors, or individual health considerations, food supplements offer a valuable resource for maintaining adequate vitamin levels and supporting overall health and vitality. By incorporating these supplements into their daily routine, individuals can fortify their nutritional intake and optimise their well-being, thereby promoting a healthier and more balanced life.
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