Recent Research 10/07/15

Jul 17, 2015Emily

Alison regularly reviews the latest published research whilst developing new products. These new blog posts aim to highlight some of those recent publications that you may find interesting, and deliver them in small bitesize chunks.

Confirmed: The Importance of Zinc During Pregnancy

A double blind, randomized controlled pregnancy studypublished as recently as June this year confirmed that supplementation with zinc during pregnancy reduced second and third stage complications as well as significantly lowered stillbirth and preterm delivery. It also reduced neonatal infection.

Link Between Vitamin D and Preterm Birth

In addition to the importance of zinc in preventing preterm delivery, a study released earlier this year concluded a definite protective association between maternal vitamin D sufficiency and the prevention of preterm birth.

Study Suggests Link Between Beneficial Effects of B Vitamins and Omega 3

If taking B vitamins for brain health, make sure you have high levels of Omega 3.

A placebo-controlled study has just been released which assessed 168 elderly people with mild cognitive impairment who were given B vitamins with and without Omega 3 supplementation.

The study concluded that the beneficial effect of B vitamin treatment on brain atrophy was only observed in those with high plasma Omega 3.

Fish Oil Supplements Test Positive For Excessive Carcinogenic Contaminants

The National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research in Norway annually tests Omega 3 oils for dioxins and PCBs. This is the first year that products from some of the companies that they tested came back positive, containing carcinogenic contaminants.

To ensure purity, Metabolics Omega 3 Oil is taken from anchovy, mackerel and sardine and each batch is tested for dioxins, PCBs and heavy metals. Metabolics Omega 3 oil and Krill Oil is dioxin, PCB and heavy metal free.

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