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Metabolics Memorymax
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Memorymax is a compound formula designed to be taken alongside Metabolics B Complex and Metablics Krill Oil or Omega 3 capsules.
This trio of supplements contains ingredients which provide excellent support for the brain and nervous system.
Memorymax is an unique blend of the following ingredients:
Magnesiumis a vitally important nutrient, having numerous contributions to normal functioning of the nervous system, transmission of nerve impulses, psychological functioning and cell division. If Magnesium ion levels are low, random firing of the nerves and nerve hyper-excitability will result. Magnesium ions are also needed for cell signalling which is vital for the brain. Memory loss is thought to be associated with diminution of synaptic plasticity in the brain and that low levels of magnesium contribute to this. Research suggests that Magnesium enhances both short term synaptic facilitation and long term potentiation, improving memory and learning functions (Slutsky, Albumaria et al. 2010).
Magnesium deficiency has been associated with depression and neuropsychiatric disorders. Deficiency has also been associated with the oxidative stress resulting from the aging process (Barbagallo, Belvedere et al. 2009).
Magnesium is needed for the Magnesium dependent enzyme sphingomyelinase which is responsible for producing sphingomyelin, part of the fatty acid layer of cell membranes particularly in the brain.
Cholinecontributes to normal lipid metabolism. As a precursor of phospholipids, choline is vital for both the structural integrity and fluidity of cell membranes. The major phospholipid in cell walls is phosphatidylcholine, which is made up of a choline head and a lipid or fat tail. Membrane dynamics influence cell signalling by controlling the interaction and location of membrane proteins (Lipidomics Gateway, 2009).
Phosphatidyl Choline accounts for more than 50% of mammalian cell membrane phospholipids and more than 30% of total cellular lipid content. Phosphatidyl choline is used to make the brain chemical acetylcholine. Acetylcholine receptors play a role in encoding new memories. It may enhance encoding by several mechanisms including modification of synapse and by enhancing long term potentiation (Hasselmo, 2006).
Resveratrolis a naturally occurring compound, found principally in red grape products such as red wine. Resveratrol has been found to suppress the activity of cholinesterase, an enzyme that destroys acetylcholine, restoring acetylcholine function (Byeong, Eun, et al. 2012).
There is presently (as of June 2012) a phase 2 clinical trial investigation which looks into the effects of resveratrol on individuals with mild to moderate dementia related to alzheimers, in progress.
Astaxanthinis a super carotenoid derived from algae called Haematococcus Pluvialis. It is thousands of times more powerful than any other carotenoids such as beta carotenoid. Carotenoids are naturally occurring antioxidants.
Glutathione (Reduced). During the aging process free radical damage appears and when a certain level is reached neurodegenerative disease can occur. The cumulative effect of oxidative stress leads to reduced levels of the antioxidant glutathione in the brain. The highest level of glutathione is found in the mitochondria of the neuron where 95% of free radicals are produced. If glutathione levels are low, perhaps due to a result of infection, diabetes, stroke, toxic metal exposure (such as lead or aluminium) or even high levels of glutamate (in MSG), then inflammation and free radicals can result. Free radicals can disrupt or kill neurones, and neurotoxicity has been found to be a major contributory factor in “loss of memory” diseases such as Alzhiemers Disease (AD).
When taken as a supplement, N Acetyl Cysteine (the precursor to glutathione) was found to restore plasticity in the aged animal brain to the younger adult state (Robillard, Gordon, et al. 2011).
CoEnzyme Q10 (ubiquinone)is present in most cells, primarily in the mitochondria where it is involved in the electron transport chain. Its primary function is in the generation of energy and of prime importance in the brain in the preservation of memory function. Research has shown that administering an analogue of ubiquinone (idebenone) to patients aged between 60-80 years with Alzheimers type symptoms, demonstrated significant improvement in the memory of people with dementia and improvement in memory impairment of people without dementia (Voronkova and Meleshkov, 2009).
CoEnzyme Q10can easily penetrate not only the cell, but the mitochondria, providing antioxidant protection to neurones, preserving mitochondrial membrane potential during oxidative stress, so preserving memory pathways.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (Thiotic acid) is a fatty acid found in every cell in the body. The body uses alpha lipoic acid to convert glucose into energy and can easily cross the blood-brain barrier making it able to target mitochondria as an antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid has also been shown to increase acetylcholine production, an important neurotransmitter involved in memory. In July 2012 an online article was published in the Journal of Alzheimers talking about Alpha Lipoic acid being given to mice looking at the effects on memory. Alpha Lipoic Acid and Carnitine together can cross the blood-brain barrier. Studies have been conducted on mice to try and discover more about how these two nutrients affect temporal and spatial memory (Shenk, Liu, et al. 2009).
Biotinis important for normal functioning of the nervous system. It is needed for the Propionyl-CoA carboxylase enzyme that contributes to the production of cholesterol which is essential for cell membranes. Also cholesterol is needed in the brain for the production of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that transmit nerve impulses. Biotin is a cofactor in other carboxylase enzymes, particularly important is Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 that regulates mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. The enzyme pyruvate carboxylase is critical in forming glucose in the brain from sources other than carbohydrates. Biotin contributes to normal psychological function including normal mental performance, learning, memory and reasoning.
Turmeric (95% curcuminoids)is a spice that has been used for thousands of years in Indian medicine. Growing evidence suggests that oxidative stress, free radicals and beta amyloid in Alzheimers are caused by factors such as metal toxicity and abnormal inflammatory reactions. Curcumin has been extensively researched in patients with Alzheimer’s (Mishra and Palanivelu, 2008). Particular interest has been taken into the epigenetic effects of curcuminoids. Experiments using animal models have also been conducted to ascertain the effects of curcumin on impaired cognition and neuronal plasticity induced by chronic stress (Xu, Lin, et al. 2009).
Lutein- A carotenoid which has been the focus of much evaluation into its effects on cognition when taken in conjunction with DHA (Johnson and McDonald, 2008).
Vitamin Econtributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress that causes free radical damage. Vitamin E protects lipid cell membranes from oxidative damage that is particularly important in the brain, as 60% of the brain is fat. Vitamin E acts as a chain breaking antioxidant preventing lipid destruction. Deficiency of Vitamin E is serious, producing neurological symptoms including memory loss (Pham and Plakogiannis, 2005)(Takatsu and Owada, 2009).
For optimum effectivity Memorymax is recommended to be taken with Metabolics B Complex and Metabolics Omega 3 or Krill Oil.
Please note: The European Food Safety Authority is examining the potential for a link between the consumption of alpha lipoic acid, and the development of insulin autoimmune disease in individuals with certain genetic polymorphisms. Whilst the EFSA works to establish whether or not a link exists, anyone who thinks they could be at risk of insulin autoimmune disease should seek professional medical advice before purchasing this product
Barbagallo M, Belvedere M, Dominguez LJ. 2009. Magnesium homeostasis and aging.Magnesium research: official organ of the International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium. 22(4):235-46.
Byeong Tak Jeon, Eun Ae Jeong, Hyun Joo Shin, Younghyurk Lee, Dong Hoon Lee, Hyun Joon Kim, Sang Soo Kang, Gyeong Jae Cho, Wan Sung Choi, and Gu Seob Roh. 2012. Resveratrol Attenuates Obesity-Associated Peripheral and Central Inflammation and Improves Memory Deficit in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet.Diabetes. 61(6): 1444–1454.
By Voronkova KV, Meleshkov MN. 2009. Neurosci Behav Physiol. Use of Noben (idebenone) in the treatment of dementia and memory impairments without dementia.39(5):501-6.
Johnson EJ, McDonald K, Caldarella SM, Chung HY, Troen AM, Snodderly DM. 2008. Cognitive findings of an exploratory trial of docosahexaenoic acid and lutein supplementation in older women.Nutr Neurosci. 11(2):75-83.
Lipidomics Gateway. 2009. Phosphatidylcholine. 10.1038.
Michael E Hasselmo. 2006. The Role of Acetylcholine in Learning and Memory.Pub Curr Opin Neurobiol. 16(6): 710–715.
Pham, Plakogiannis. 2005. Vitamin E supplementation in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, tardive dyskinesia, and cataract: Part 2.Ann Pharmacother. 39(12):2065-72.
Robillard JM, Gordon GR, Choi HB, Christie BR, MacVicar BA. Glutathione restores the mechanism of synaptic plasticity in aged mice to that of the adult.PLoS One. 6(5):e20676.
Shenk JC, Liu J, Fischbach K, Xu K, Puchowicz M, Obrenovich ME, Gasimov E, Alvarez LM, Ames BN, Lamanna JC, Aliev G. 2009. The effect of acetyl-L-carnitine and R-alpha-lipoic acid treatment in ApoE4 mouse as a model of human Alzheimer's disease.J Neurol Sci. 15;283(1-2):199-206.
Shrikant Mishra and Kalpana Palanivelu. 2008. The effect of curcumin (turmeric) on Alzheimer's disease: An overview.Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 11(1): 13–19.
Slutsky I, Abumaria N, Wu LJ, Huang C, Zhang L, Li B, Zhao X, Govindarajan A, Zhao MG, Zhuo M, Tonegawa S, Liu G. 2010. Enhancement of learning and memory by elevating brain magnesium.Neuron. 28;65(2):165-77.
Takatsu H, Owada K, Abe K, Nakano M, Urano S. 2009. Effect of vitamin E on learning and memory deficit in aged rats.J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 55(5):389-93.
Xu Y, Lin D, Li S, Li G, Shyamala SG, Barish PA, Vernon MM, Pan J, Ogle WO. 2009. Curcumin reverses impaired cognition and neuronal plasticity induced by chronic stress.Neuropharmacology. 57(4):463-71.
This product is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Supplement Facts
Each capsule contains:
Vitamin E (1.3 IU)
0.9 mg αTE
8 %
Total d mixed tocotrienols
3.4 mg
Of which contains:
[d-alpha- tocotrienol 1.1 mg]
[d-beta-tocotrienol 0.19 mg]
[d-gamma-tocotrienol 1.6 mg]
[d-delta- tocotrienol 0.55 mg]
Biotin (Vitamin B7)
20 mcg
19 mg
Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract
60 mg
(10% as Resveratrol)
50 mg
Alpha Lipoic Acid
50 mg
40 mg
40 mg
(95% Curcuminoids)
Co Enzyme Q10
20 mg
Glutathione Reduced
20 mg
2 mg
800 mcg
Plant squalene
671 mcg
400 mcg
305 mcg
† Nutrient Reference Value (NRV*) not established
α TE: Alpha Tocopherol
Magnesium Citrate, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (capsule), Choline Bitartrate, Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract, Astaxanthin Powder, L-Carnitine Tartrate, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Turmeric Extract, Co-Enzyme Q10, Glutathione Reduced, EVNolMaxTM 20%(ExcelVite), Lutein powder, Piperine, Biotin.
Directions / Dosage

Product Type